School History

School History

School History

George D. McDowell Exchange School was dedicated in 1971 and was named after former Pickaway County Superintendent, George D. McDowell. Originally, the building housed all of the Logan Elm District's kindergarten classes, seventh and eighth grade classes and various high school classes. Thus, the term "exchange school" since the building was used for a variety of grade levels. Today, the building is primarily used as a junior high, although some high school classes still meet here.

Our building currently serves approximately 380 students in grades seven and eight. We have a staff of 28 teachers, one guidance counselor, a school nurse and two secretaries. Mrs. Keitha Lane is our building principal, and our superintendent is Mrs. Jan Broughton.  We are a rural district located approximately 30 miles south of Columbus in the southeast corner of Pickaway County. Due to the location of our district, we service students from both Pickaway County and the Hocking Hills area of Hocking County.

The students at McDowell are required to take the four core subjects of Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. In addition to these subjects, they are scheduled into Physical Education and Art at the seventh grade level. Computers, Work and Family (a career-based class) and Physical Education are required at the eighth grade level. The students may also choose from Instrumental Music, Vocal Music and Enrichment Art (8th grade only) classes in their seventh and eighth grade years.

Our school also offers a variety of extra-curricular activities for the junior high students. In the fall, the students may choose from football, volleyball, cross country, cheerleading or color guard. In the winter, the students may choose from basketball, wrestling, or cheerleading. Track and field, softball, and baseball is available to the students in the spring. Newspaper classes and Power of the Pen teams meet throughout the entire school year.

If you would like further information about our building or district, you may write us at:


George D. McDowell Exchange School
9579 Tarlton Road
Circleville, Ohio 43113

Written by Pam Klein