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8th Grade Art
8th Grade Enrichment Art
In the 8th. grade Enrichment Art program, students are expected to grow in their understanding and appreciation of contemporary and historical art as found in various cultures as well as their own personal artistic development through the use of art criticism, art aesthetics and studio projects. Enrichment Art students work on teacher directed assignments and on some projects of their own choice. Student Self Evaluations will be written on each art work. At least six projects are required every nine weeks. The fee for Enrichment Art is $20.00 for the year.
Each student will need to bring their 7th. grade art folder back to school. We will continue filling it with notes, sketches, handouts, self evaluations, etc. Papers must be kept neat and organized. This will be a nice record of their junior high art experience. All students are to bring a pencil and eraser to every class. They are to remain in their places unless they are getting supplies. During presentation and demonstrations students are expected to be attentive. Quiet talking is permitted while working. All students are responsible for cleaning up all messes and returning all materials to their proper places. I expect all students to be working everyday in class. For each day students are not working 2 (two) points will be deducted from their final grade. All art students will have art work on display in the annual art show. Students are responsible for their work. Students that do not take their art work home will have their final art grade lowered.
7th Grade Art
7th Grade Art
In 7th grade art each student studies the elements of art and principles of design through creative art experiences. Students experience the use of a variety of media along with studying artists and art history. During the semester course, art projects will include drawing, painting, ceramics, an Adopt an Artist Project/Report, a Self Evaluation and a study of art history. Students are required to keep a notebook, which will include slide notes, sketches, and tests. Papers must be kept neat and organized. All students are to bring a pencil and eraser to every class. They may wish to keep an art shirt in their locker. Each student is expected to be courteous at all times. They are to remain in their places unless they are getting supplies.
During presentations and demonstrations students are expected to be attentive. Quiet talking is permitted while working. All students are responsible for cleaning up all messes and returning all materials to their proper places. I expect all students to be working everyday in class. For each day students are not working 2 (two) points will be deducted from their final grade. All art students will have art work on display in the annual art show. Students are responsible for their work. Students that do not take their art work home will have their final art grade lowered.
Please remember to send a 1" - 1 1/2" ring binder notebook so your artist can keep their notes and papers organized. There is an open note test at the end of each art history study.